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MIRAGE meeting in Bologna and fieldtrip in the Apennines
From 05th to 06th September, the MIRAGE team held a meeting in the University of Bologna to discuss the project results up to date and coordinate future actions.
Moreover, the team made a fieldtrip to visit one of the project test areas: the Emilia-Romagna Apennines. They visited some examples of the typical landslides of this area that includes rockslides, earthflows and other complex landslides.
Fieldtrip of MIRAGE project in Alta Valtellina
From 30th May to 1st June 2024, all the participants of MIRAGE met in Bormio and surroundings (Upper Valtellina) to visit one of the test area: the Lombardian Alps.
They visited some paradigmatic examples of mass movements (e.g. Confinale DSGSDs, Ruinon rockslide, Val Pola rockslide / rock avalanche, rock glaciers) and compared their field evidence and InSAR signals, also in relation with their geological, geomorphological and climatic settings. Moreover, they held a morning meeting to exchange ideas, and coordinate upcoming research activities and new products.
Work meeting at Milano-Bicocca
On 9th May 2024, the UNIMIB team and Alessandro Mondini (CNR team) held a one-day operative meeting at UNIMIB (DISAT) to discuss the generated products (SAR interferograms) and set-up the labeling procedure required to train the MIRAGE deep learning model under development. They also involved Boyun Yu, a PhD student from the University of Tokyo, in the project during his 1-month stay at CNR.
Kick-off meeting of MIRAGE project
On 28th September 2023, the kick-off meeting for the MIRAGE project took place. It was a morning online event attended by all members of the three research units (UNIMIB, UNIBO and CNR), except for the two project hires who did not join the project until February 2024.