Federico Agliardi
Associate Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB)
He is an engineering geologist and landslide specialist with a PhD in Earth Sciences (University of Milano, 2003).
His studies the interactions among geological structure, hydro-mechanical behaviour of rocks, slope instability processes on different spatial and temporal scales and their geomorphological, geohazards and engineering aspects. To these aims, he combines field and lab data, remote sensing and numerical modeling tehniques.
Role in MIRAGE:
PI, data implementation, InSAR processing and multi-scale interpretation (Alps)
Alessandro Mondini
Senior Researcher at the CNR Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies of (CNR-IMATI)
He is a physicist with a PhD in Geosciences (University of Perugia, 2013).
His expertise is in stochastic modelling and learning, natural hazards and early warning systems.
His scientific interests concern space-borne optical and SAR image pre-processing and semantic classification for landslide detection, mapping and forecasting, based on Machine Learning & Deep Learning methods.
Role in MIRAGE:
implementation and training of the artificial intelligence model.
Alessando Simoni
Associate Professor at the University of Bologna (UNIBO)
He is an engineering geologist with a PhD in Earth Sciences (University of Bologna, 1999).
His research activity is based on the experimental investigation of natural slopes. His specific interests include the engineering geological and -geotechnical characterisation of soils and rock masses, slope hydrology and evaluation of landslide hazard. During the last decade, he turned his attention to satellite interferometry (InSAR) to investigate geological processes.
Role in MIRAGE:
data implementation, InSAR processing and multi-scale interpretation (Apennine)
Cristina Reyes-Carmona
Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB)
She is a geologist with a PhD in Earth Sciences (University of Granada, 2023).
Her expertise is the geological and geomorphological investigation of deep-seated landslides, in integration with satellite interferometry (InSAR) data.
Role in MIRAGE:
InSAR processing and multi-scale interpretation (Alps)
Fabio Bovenga
Senior Researcher at the CNR Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of Environment (CNR-IREA)
He is a physicist with a PhD in Physics (University of Bari, 2006). Since 2020, adjunct professor at the Bari Polytechnic University.
His research is in the field of advanced processing techniques for SAR imaging and interferometry, and application of multi-temporal / multi-frequency analyses to ground monitoring.
Role in MIRAGE:
data implementation and InSAR processing.
Alessandro Mercurio
Research fellow at the University of Bologna (UNIBO)
He is a geologist with a degree in Geology and Land Use (University of Bologna, 2023).
His research activity concerns the mapping and characteridation of slope instability phenomena remotely and on the field. He works mainly in the field of spaceborne SAR interferometry.
Role in MIRAGE:
InSAR processing and multi-scale interpretation (Apennine)