Dataset implementation

WP2 will consist in retrieving available datasets of geoinformation such as geology, geomorphology, topography (DEMs), aerial images, satellite images and climatology. Landslide inventory datasets of different types of mass movements will be also collected from public sources (e.g. IFFI Project, GeoIFFI Regione Lombardia, Landslide Inventory of Emilia-Romagna, event catalogues) or made available by the research teams (e.g. UNIMIB inventories of slow rock slope deformations and rock glaciers).

Satellite SAR imagery will be collected to feed the WP3 taks. Specifically, we will mainly use Sentinel-1 A/B images to boost DInSAR processing and machine learning analyses.

Inventory of deep seated landslides and rockglaciers in Valtellina over a hillshade mode

Inventory of deep-seated landslides and rock glaciers in the Upper Valtellina area (Lombardy) over a 2-meters resolution Digital Elevation Model. *Credits: UNIMIB.